Coaching Staff
HEAD COACH AND PROGRAM COORDINATOR ALLIE SOUTO was a four year Rocklin High School Cheerleader. She has coached both our Frosh/soph and Varsity cheer teams. In addition to coaching varsity, Coach Souto coordinaates progeam events and avitivites and supports all coaches and atheltes. Coach Souto majored in Nurtition science in college, she has since been an atheltic director and continued to persue a career as a science teacher. Her faviorite part about the Rocklin Cheer program is the life long communinty and the programs involvement in the school and Rocklin community. Her favorite part of coaching is mentoring atheltes and community leaders both on and of the mat.

ASSISTANT COACH Baylie Gillis is a Rocklin High School alumni with 10 years of cheerleading experience. She previously worked for the Universal Cheerleaders Association, teaching camps for young athletes. After graduating from San Diego State University, she pursued a career in healthcare. She is passionate about coaching and cares deeply about her athletes both on and off the mat. Coaching in the community she grew up in makes the experience even more meaningful, as she enjoys mentoring the next generation of athletes both in cheer and beyond.