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Try-Out FAQ's



1. Why are try-outs so early this year?
To provide plenty of time for fundraising and preparation before camp!

2.    How much does it cost?

          For most of you it is no surprise that cheerleading is expensive.  If you are new to the sport it can be a bit intimidating.  A "new" cheerleader costs up to $1800 for the first year.  The good news is that by year two that cost is MUCH lower (approx $500) because most of what is purchased will be used throughout your cheer "career".  
3.  What do I wear?  
  We are looking for an "all american look".  Pull your hair back so we can see your smile!  Leave your piercings and heavy make-up at home.  We ask that you wear a t-shirt and shorts (always a good idea to put some briefs under those shorts)  in RHS colors (royal blue/white/gray/black) and make sure they fit appropriately!  Baggy t-shirts get in the way, and too short shorts are not a good look.  Please do not wear tank tops/ compression shorts (i.e. Nike pro or cheer briefs) unless they are under something else.  Shoes- don't go out and buy new shoes for try-outs- wear what you have.  In fact-- we ask that you don't buy anything just for the purpose of try-outs- you'll have plenty of things to buy if you make the team.

4.    Why is it such a big deal that I get  registered  and my parents come to a meeting before I am allowed to try out?

Following directions and meeting deadlines  shows us that you are responsible.  Having your parents come to a meeting lets us know that they are willing to get involved and gives us a chance to make sure EVERYONE understands the commitment involved (both financial and time).

5.    Do we have to try-out by ourselves? Or make up our own dance or cheer?

No and not really.!  You will try out in groups of 4 that your coaches will help you choose.  You will be taught  material, including the school fight song, a performance cheer, the rally dance, sideline cheers, and a stunt sequence.  You will also have the opportunity to show your own style by choreographing a short portion of your try-out routine.
6.    How many people will “make it”
Nothing is definite.  It depends on how many athletes try out.  We typically have a  varsity squad of 20-24, a junior varsity squad of 18-22; and a freshmen squad of 18-22. We could go smaller- we could go bigger...
7.    What will we be “judged” on?
You will be evaluated on many different aspects.  Getting your paperwork in and attending all meetings and practices will help you get to know the coaches and we will get to know you and your work ethic.  We will be looking at ATTITUDE, attendance, appearance, and ability.  We will be watching for any cheerleading skills you can offer such as strong cheer and dance technique, great jumps, or elite tumbling.  We’re looking for athletes that work well together and are willing to work hard  to achieve their goals.  Specifically we’ll be looking at:
                              ATTITUDE: (work ethic, positive, helpful. leadership qualities)
                              Jumps…(height, landing, technique)                                                               
                              Motions…( sharpness, placement)
                              Showmanship…( performance, execution, knowledge of  routine)                                       
                              Appearance …(clean, neat, proper attire)
                              Dance… (rhythm, coordination)
                              Coachability... (picking up choreography, using feedback to improve)
                              Tumbling.…( standing, running, combined skills)
***TUMBLING is NOT necessary to try-out, just an added benefit***

8.  When do practices start?
        Due to our early camp dates (June 16-19), we'll get started right away. Check the calendar on our website for details
9.  Do we ever get a summer vacation??  Cheerleaders are "off" from June 20-July 29. Cheerleaders who miss scheduled practices in May/June or Aug may not be able to perform at camp or during the first two rallies.
10.  Can I use last year's uniform  Maybe-- Returning Freshmen (making a JV team) will be able to keep both their blue and white uniform.  Returning JV (making Varsity) will keep their white and need to purchase a new blue.  Returning Varsity- will keep both.  New Cheerleaders will need to purchase two uniforms.  We will try to have available an assortment of gently used uniform (good news is that they will only be a year old) items available for purchase at a discounted price.
If there are any other questions you need answered- please contact our Advisor