- Counseling
- Class of 2025
- Class of 2026
- Class of 2027
- Class of 2028
- Academic Planning Guide
- About
- Academic Resources
- Advanced Placement Information
- College and Career Center
- Community Service Contract
- Community Service Opportunities
- Peer Counseling
- Valedictorian Selection
- Wellness
- Registrar (transcripts)
- Work Permits
- Registrar
Welcome to the Rocklin High School Counseling Center
The mission of the Rocklin High School Counseling Department is
to serve all students by providing a quality educational program,
which ensures that each student has the opportunity to meet the
student’s academic, career, personal, and social needs.

Whatever your business with the Counseling Department, the first person you'll see is Heather Hyde,
our secretary who meets and greets everyone with a smile. Ms. Hyde will schedule appointments
for you to see your counselor before and after school, or during lunch and break. Stop by and say "Hello."
Contact Information for Ms. Hyde:
Phone: (916) 632-1600 ext. 6110
Email Ms. Hyde @ hhyde@rocklinusd.org
Academic Enrichment at Sierra College
Interested in taking an Academic Enrichment class at Sierra College?