- Counseling
- Class of 2025
- Class of 2026
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- Class of 2028
- Academic Planning Guide
- About
- Academic Resources
- Advanced Placement Information
- College and Career Center
- Community Service Contract
- Community Service Opportunities
- Peer Counseling
- Valedictorian Selection
- Wellness
- Registrar (transcripts)
- Work Permits
- Registrar
Advanced Placement Information
AP/Honors Courses Information
RHS AP/Honors Course Offerings:
- AP Eng Lit/Comp
- AP Eng Lg/Comp
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Statistics
- AP Biology
- Anato/Phys Honors
- AP Chemistry
- AP Physics I
- AP Physics 2
- AP Physics C-M
- AP Physics C-EM
- AP Environ Sci
- Spanish III Honors
- Spanish IV Honors
- French III Honors
- AP Wld History
- AP US History
- AP Microecon
- AP Government
- AP Psychology
- Wind Ensemble Honors
- AP Music Theory
- Photo IV Honors
- Photo/Jrlism Honors
- Pubs Design III/IV Honors
- AP Comp Sci P
- AP Comp Sci A
AP Policies
- Adding and Dropping classes: Students are given three weeks after school begins to drop an AP class if they find the class too difficult
- A student is given the first semester to maintain AP appropriate level of work. If he/she does not maintain that level, he/she will be moved to a similar class at a lower level. This change will occur at the semester only.