Spectator Guidelines
Spectator Guidelines
Spectators are welcome to attend practices, matches, or tournaments. However, the following guidelines and expectations are to be followed at all times. Failure to follow the following guidelines and expectations could result in penalty strokes for the players and/or you could be asked to leave the golf course. Also, please share this information with any family members or friends who may attend a practice, match, or tournament.
• All spectators must be in compliance with the dress code specified by the golf course. This is extremely important for all private golf courses including our own (Whitney Oaks GC) and you may be asked to leave the golf course if you are not in compliance with their dress code. Dress code is as follows for most public and private golf courses.
o No denim or blue jeans may be worn.
o No cut offs, sweat pants, cargo shorts or athletic shorts may be worn.
o Shirts must have collars and be tucked in with a belt.
o Hats must be worn forward.
• Spectators are to maintain a distance of at least 30 yards from the players at all times.
• Spectators must stay on or as close to the cart paths if at all possible and should NEVER by in the fairways.
• Spectators are to stay even with the group that they are watching and should not be ahead of the group. Forecaddying is not allowed!
• Spectators may not give any advice regarding rules or other situations to the players and should keep talking to simple hello or how are you doing?
• If a spectator is approached by a player regarding the location of a golf ball and the spectator knows the location, the spectator may direct the player to the location of the golf ball. Otherwise, spectators should not be searching for golf balls during play.
• Bottom line is you should not interfere and/or become a factor in determining the outcome of a match. It is the player’s responsibility to play the game and know, follow, and enforce the rules of golf during play.
• Carts may be used by spectators, however you may be required to pay for the cart and you should always check into the pro shop to get a cart checked out. Carts are to remain on cart paths at all times!
Spectators are welcome to attend practices, matches, or tournaments. However, the following guidelines and expectations are to be followed at all times. Failure to follow the following guidelines and expectations could result in penalty strokes for the players and/or you could be asked to leave the golf course. Also, please share this information with any family members or friends who may attend a practice, match, or tournament.
• All spectators must be in compliance with the dress code specified by the golf course. This is extremely important for all private golf courses including our own (Whitney Oaks GC) and you may be asked to leave the golf course if you are not in compliance with their dress code. Dress code is as follows for most public and private golf courses.
o No denim or blue jeans may be worn.
o No cut offs, sweat pants, cargo shorts or athletic shorts may be worn.
o Shirts must have collars and be tucked in with a belt.
o Hats must be worn forward.
• Spectators are to maintain a distance of at least 30 yards from the players at all times.
• Spectators must stay on or as close to the cart paths if at all possible and should NEVER by in the fairways.
• Spectators are to stay even with the group that they are watching and should not be ahead of the group. Forecaddying is not allowed!
• Spectators may not give any advice regarding rules or other situations to the players and should keep talking to simple hello or how are you doing?
• If a spectator is approached by a player regarding the location of a golf ball and the spectator knows the location, the spectator may direct the player to the location of the golf ball. Otherwise, spectators should not be searching for golf balls during play.
• Bottom line is you should not interfere and/or become a factor in determining the outcome of a match. It is the player’s responsibility to play the game and know, follow, and enforce the rules of golf during play.
• Carts may be used by spectators, however you may be required to pay for the cart and you should always check into the pro shop to get a cart checked out. Carts are to remain on cart paths at all times!