Social Media Gudielines
Student-Athlete Social Media/ Policy
Social Media – (Class II Infraction) Athletic Code of Conduct
Social media refers to internet-based applications and communication devices designed to create and share user generated content. Any form of messaging, digital magazines, internet forums, web-blogs, podcasts, photographs, video, rating and social bookmarking found on websites or applications such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Tumblr that is open to public viewing is considered to be social media. This is a rapidly changing network as we move into the 21st Century, and many more not mentioned will arise, which are also included in this policy. Violations of this policy are subject to investigation and sanctions outlined in the Rocklin High School Code of Conduct (page 10), and are also subject to review by state and federal law enforcement. These fall under Class II Infractions. Any and all disciplinary measures may apply depending on the severity of the infraction.
Rocklin High School student athletes are expected to conduct themselves in a respectable manner as a member of their teams and our Athletic program. As a student athlete you are responsible for your social media use. Any malicious use of social media platforms shall not be tolerated. Malicious use may include, but not be limited to:
• Derogatory language or remarks regarding fellow athletes, students, coaches, administrators, faculty and staff of Rocklin High School or other high schools.
• Demeaning statements or threats that endanger the safety of another person.
• Incriminating photos or statements regarding illegal criminal behavior, underage drinking, use of illegal drugs, sexual harassment or violence.
As a student athlete I have reviewed and carefully read, with my parent(s) / legal guardian, the Social Media Policy and agree to abide to all provisions contained within. Furthermore, I understand that a violation of said rules may result in loss of athletic privileges and/or suspension from participation.
Student-Athlete Social Media/ Policy
Social Media – (Class II Infraction) Athletic Code of Conduct
Social media refers to internet-based applications and communication devices designed to create and share user generated content. Any form of messaging, digital magazines, internet forums, web-blogs, podcasts, photographs, video, rating and social bookmarking found on websites or applications such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Tumblr that is open to public viewing is considered to be social media. This is a rapidly changing network as we move into the 21st Century, and many more not mentioned will arise, which are also included in this policy. Violations of this policy are subject to investigation and sanctions outlined in the Rocklin High School Code of Conduct (page 10), and are also subject to review by state and federal law enforcement. These fall under Class II Infractions. Any and all disciplinary measures may apply depending on the severity of the infraction.
Rocklin High School student athletes are expected to conduct themselves in a respectable manner as a member of their teams and our Athletic program. As a student athlete you are responsible for your social media use. Any malicious use of social media platforms shall not be tolerated. Malicious use may include, but not be limited to:
• Derogatory language or remarks regarding fellow athletes, students, coaches, administrators, faculty and staff of Rocklin High School or other high schools.
• Demeaning statements or threats that endanger the safety of another person.
• Incriminating photos or statements regarding illegal criminal behavior, underage drinking, use of illegal drugs, sexual harassment or violence.
As a student athlete I have reviewed and carefully read, with my parent(s) / legal guardian, the Social Media Policy and agree to abide to all provisions contained within. Furthermore, I understand that a violation of said rules may result in loss of athletic privileges and/or suspension from participation.