AAU - TopGun Fit
Good afternoon Rocklin Thunder Families.
We are excited to inform you that we will be starting our Introduction to Football Weights and Fundamentals. This is exclusive to current 7th and 8th grade boys.
The class will consist of speed and strength training. We will cover the basics in the weight room and provide instruction on proper weight room technique, weight room safety, and speed fundamentals outside. We have a team of coaches that will be there to instruct and monitor your athlete. Each instructor has a vast knowledge of football weight room training techniques and speed and agility.
This is an approved AAU club, and everyone is required to obtain an AAU membership to participate. Each coach for TopGun Fit is AAU certified as well.
See below for how to obtain your required membership:
AAU Membership - Sign up on their website- $20.00
TOPGUN FIT - This fee covers the Insurance, T-shirt, and facility rental fees- $100.00 (Check payable to TopGun Fit OR Venmo @Michael-Cunningham-385)
Location: Rocklin High School
Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 5:55 to 7pm
Session Start and Finish: March 4th - May 8th (First Night we will meet in the back of the High school near the grass field to collect forms and go over some information)
You will visit https://play.aausports.org/ and select new membership (Same directions for those who need to renew). One you have selected membership and it will walk you through it. One of the questions will be which sport. Please select 7 on 7. It will ask you if you are associated with any clubs, the answer is yes. TOPGUNFIT916 or you can use the Code W3CB4T. This will associate your athlete with our club.
We have also attached 2 forms that will need to be filled out and turned in on the first night.
In order for your athlete to participate on Thursday, March 5th they MUST complete ALL THREE of the following steps. They will not be allowed to participate if these steps are not completed.
Step 1 - Sign up for AAU Membership and pay their fee
Step 2 - Complete the Top Gun Fit Registration Form and Waiver of Liability
Step 3 - Make your payment to Top Gun Fit
Please reach out if you have any questions.