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It is our belief that the whole of anything is much greater than the sum of its parts. It is for this reason that we strive to have a high school baseball team, rather than a collection of talented people. We ask individuals to work hard and give of themselves for the good of themselves and the team. It is our belief that this constant pursuit of team excellence causes all of us to go far beyond our individual capabilities.


Discipline, personal responsibility, thoughtfulness, and a positive mental attitude are attributes we believe are necessary for success of the team and the individual. We expect individuals to do what they are supposed to do, every time they are supposed to do it, both on and off the field. We expect everyone involved with Rocklin High Baseball to act and talk in a positive manner regarding players, parents, coaches, opponents, and game officials. “Pursuing Victory With Honor” is the slogan that we expect the entire program to aspire to. We also believe that a “solution mentality” is the key to success. We know that everyone will make mistakes, and we recognize this is an important part of learning. We expect everyone to work positively with the rest of us to find the solution.

This is an educational environment, and we are a high school baseball team. Not just a baseball team. We are held to high academic, as well as behavioral standards, and expectations. These things will always be this way and will not change to suit the wants of any one individual. We are a team, we will be a team, and all are invited to take part.

Finally, high school baseball is nothing more than a means to an end. It is not a training ground for a college scholarship, or a professional contract. It is a tool to help young boys grow into men, accept responsibility for their failures, be humble in victory, and continue to succeed regardless of the odds against success.