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Spanish Four Course Syllabus

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!  My name is Mary Jiménez and I am very pleased that you are a part of our class!  The goal of this class is to build upon the skills acquired in Spanish I-III.  Spanish IV is an upper level, ADVANCED Spanish class. Therefore, we will move quickly and work hard.  Students must use Spanish in the classroom and will partake in a variety of activities including complex grammar study, compositions, oral presentations, cultural explorations and various readings.  

Course Description:  The focus of this course is competency in the four main language skills: speaking, reading, listening, and writing.  Classroom activities will include individual, paired, and group activities, simulations, dictations, music, movies, and presentations.  We will also study and learn about many Spanish speaking cultures.

Course Outcomes/ Essential skills: Each essential skill is incorporated in the unit exams and/or in culminating projects.  Therefore, if the student passes the exam or successfully completes the project then he/she has mastered the essential skills for that unit.  The essential skills are mentioned below in the description of the units of study.

Units of Study:  There are 10 principal units of study throughout the year; five for the first semester and five for the second.  Each unit is tied to a major grammatical concept but is not limited to that concept.  Each unit will include vocabulary and grammar from the previous units as well as new vocabulary and concepts related to the unit at hand.

First Semester:
1. Basic grammar review
2. The Subjunctive (again!)
3. Descriptions (present and past)
4. Pronouns (reflexive, DOP and IOP
5. Proverbs, Idioms and Sayings

Second Semester:
1. Creative sentences
2. The passive voice
3. Infinitives
4. Review of “Si” clauses (SiPS, C & SiPS, C-P)
5. Review of the entire year as well as Final Exam

Homework: Most of our work will be completed in class.  Work that is sent home to be completed, must be completed on time and turned in for credit.  

Individual performance (assessments) 60%
Quizzes, Projects & Free writes 20%
Daily language (written & oral participation in Spanish) 20%

Make-up work: Unexcused absences equal 0 points, no exceptions.
If you miss a quiz, your next quiz grade will count as double.  If you miss a test, you must make an appointment with me to make up the test.  Upon return from an absence, you will be given until the following class to turn in the missed work.  I will keep a log of class activities on the Schoology calendar, please check the calendar and speak to a classmate BEFORE coming to see me.

Bug-Off days: Everyone has bad days every now and then.  If you are having a bad day and you can not be a positive contributor to the class, you may use a bug-off day.  You are allowed 2 days per semester.  Only 2 people may be on bug-off on the same day.  When you enter the classroom, write your name on the board BEFORE the bell rings and sit at your desk or in the reading corner QUIETLY.  You MAY NOT disrupt the class. You are still RESPONSIBLE for the work that was covered in class and for the homework assigned, but I will not “Bug” you at all.  Please choose your days wisely.  (Sorry, no test days allowed.)

On time means IN YOUR DESK BEFORE the bell rings. Very simple.

One rule: RESPETO.  Please treat others kindly, at all times.  Please treat our classroom kindly.  Please clean up after yourself.  If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it.

Cell phones & other electronic devices:
The use of technology in classrooms is changing. There will be opportunities for students to use translation and conjugation applications, check calendars on Schoology, check grades on Edline, receive messages from Reminder101 and take pictures of materials with honest intentions. 

No inglés en la clase.
