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Español 2 S2U4 Me llamo_____________________ JE #_____



To "tell" or "command" someone what to do-- use a POSITIVE command.

-- use a POSITIVE command.


I To form the POSITIVE command take the form of the present tense verb and drop the final "s".


Example: Tú hablas = ¡ Habla ! Tú pierdes = ¡Pierde !

Tú comes = ¡ Come ! Tú vives = ¡Vive!

Tú duermes = ¡Duerme! Tú subes = ¡Sube!

II. If the command is reflexive, take off the "se" from the end of the infinitive, conjugate the verb like you have done above [ by using the Tú form of the verb and dropping the final "s"] , and then add "te" on the end to make the action reflexive.[ by using the Tú form of the verb and dropping the final "s"] , to make the action reflexive.

Example: **Be Quiet! Calla + te = cállate!


**Sit Down! Sienta + te = síentate!

III. Irregular ‘Tú’ Commands – Use the commands below-they MUST be memorized as they are.


Remember this:


*Placer High School Students Do Very Interesting Things



      • PONER = pon = put !
      • ONER = = put !



      • HACER = haz = do !
      • ACER = = do !



      • SALIR = sal = leave!
      • ALIR = = leave!



      • SER = = be !
      • ER = = be !



      • DECIR = di = say/tell!
      • ECIR = = say/tell!



      • VENIR = ven= come!
      • ENIR = = come!



      • IRSE= vete = go/get out!
      • RSE= = go/get out!



      • TENER = ten = have!
      • ENER = t = have!


    IV . Positive Tú commands with Pronouns [ command + IOP + DOP CID ]



    Where do you place the pronouns?
    -When you use a pronoun (s) with a command

    attach the pronoun (s) to the end of the command. (CID)






    of a sentence is usually the


    Person that is indirectly receiving the action.






    of a sentence is usually the




    that is indirectly receiving the action.























    lo / la

    los / las






    1. If there are no pronouns added, do you need to add accent marks to commands?
      -If the command has multi-syllables, but you aren’t adding any pronouns, no accent will be needed because you aren’t adding syllables and the stress of your voice naturally falls where it is needed.
    2. -If the command has multi-syllables, but you aren’t adding any pronouns, no accent will be needed because you aren’t adding syllables and the stress of your voice naturally falls where it is needed.


      Examples: Begin= ¡ Em/pie/za ! (3 syllables, Grave word-stress falls on 2nd to last syllable & no

      pronouns added & command ends in a vowel so no written accent mark

      is needed)


    3. FYI: accents only go over vowels.



    5. Generally, you add a written accent mark if the command is 2 or more syllables, and you are adding 1 pronoun. Because you are adding a pronoun you are adding a syllable which then changes the stress . You want to keep the original stress-that is why you have to have a written accent mark. The written accent is stressed on the 3rd to the last syllable.

      Example: Prepare the meat (la carne)!

      = ¡ Prepárala ! OR Study it! = ¡ estúdialo ¡



    1. When the original command is 2 or more syllables AND you add both pronouns (indirect and direct) then


      written accent goes on what was the next to the last syllable of the original command.

      Example: Buy the shoes for her! = ¡Cóm/pra/se/los! (original command is two syllables and

      we are adding both IOP and DOP—therefore, there are 4 syllables. Sobreesdrújula,

      stress falls on the 4th to last syllable & accent is always needed)



    3. When the command is one syllable and you are adding both IOP and DOP pronouns.

    The written accent is stressed on the 3rd to the last syllable.

    Example: Give me it! = ¡Dámelo!

    Tell them it! = ¡Díselo!

    Note: A, E, O are strong vowels. U & I are weak. If two strong vowels are side by side in Spanish, they are always separate syllables within a single word [example: trá/e/me/los] In addition, a diphthong is the combination of an unstressed "weak" vowel and strong vowel. The stress falls on a weak vowel (i or u) which comes immediately before or after a strong vowel (a, e, o). There are exceptions for preserving the original sound of the command like alquílaselo or léenoslos.



    Español II

    Reglas de acentuación: ¡es mágico!




    words in ALL languages have an accented (stressed) syllable! In some languages, like SPANISH, the stressed syllable in SOME words

    must be marked with an "accent" because the word does not "fit" into one of the categories w/o it, or as some textbooks describe: these words "break the rules"…


    Each type of word in Spanish even has a special name, see categories in the table.

    This information will be very useful in higher levels of Spanish and even in













    The stress is on the last syllable

    (última sílaba)




    The stress is on the second to last to last syllable

    (Penúltima sílaba)




    The stress is on the third to the last to the last syllable

    (antepenúltima sílaba)




    The stress is on the fourth to last syllable to last syllable



    (antes de la antepenúltima sílaba)





    papel, libertad, dolor, español, celular,




    mesa, dibujo, camisa, carro, ojo,

    pizarra, cabeza, ¡empieza!, ¡camina!




    pirámide, murciélago, última, dramático, dámelo, dínosla,





    Cómpraselo, buscándoselo, escríbesela, sírvenosla, tráemelos


    When these words end in a

    vowel, n or s they REQUIRE a written accent mark

    When these words end in a

    consonant EXCEPT n or s they REQUIRE a written accent mark

    ALL words that are esdrújulas REQUIRE a WRITTEN accent a !


    Notice that ALL sobreesdrújulas are some form of the verb w/ pronouns attached.

    & ALL require written accent




    canción, café, mamá, cortés, menú, millón, revés




    lápiz, cárcel, fértil, árbol, mártir, débil, fácil, difícil, dólar








    ¡Become an Accent Wizard!


    As we add pronouns we are adding syllables, so in order to preserve the original stress (& pronunciation) of the verb we MUST mark the stress with a written accent


    Spanish II when trying to figure out where to put the accent mark on the commands w/ pronouns attached! Btw, the largest group (w/ the most words) is the GRAVE group!

    Remember: Accents through the AGES…..

    The is in the steps! Just follow the table!






    Give your friend commands.

    Remember to attach pronouns to the end of the commands (IF NECESSARY) and be careful of stem-changers and irregulars!!!! Put the exclamation marks on all.



    1. ¡Poner!

    ¡ !

    21. ¡Salir!


    2. ¡Ganar!

    ¡ !

    22. ¡Caminar!


    3. ¡Irse!


    23 ¡Cerrar!


    4. ¡Nadar!


    24 ¡Tener!


    5. ¡Beber!


    25 ¡Venir!


    6. ¡Dance!


    26 ¡ Prepare it (the dinner)!


    7. ¡ Do it (la tarea)!


    27 ¡Start!


    8. ¡ Read me it! (book)


    28 ¡Think!


    9. ¡ Play it! ( el piano)


    29 ¡ Tell me the truth (♀)!


    10. ¡ Be quiet!


    30 ¡Sell them! (shoes)


    11. Sit down!


    31 ¡Close it! (puerta)


    12. Listen to me!


    32 ¡ Bathe yourself!


    13. Have it (el reloj)!


    33 Eat it! (queso)


    14. Drink it! (la leche)


    34. Play it! (el fútbol)


    15. Give me it! ( el lápiz)


    35.Get up! (levantarse)


    16. Clean it! (la clase)


    36 .Talk to me!


    17. Understand me!


    37 Call us!


    18. Wait for me!


    38 .Look for her!


    19. Study it! (el Español)


    39 .Watch it (la televisión)!


    20. Read them (libros) to him !


    40 .Wash them (the cars) for us !





    Positive Commands (tu)