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SPAN 2 ADV JE #______

Me llamo_______________________





What is a reflexive verb?

For our Spanish 2 ADV working definition, we will consider a verb to be reflexive if the person doing the action is also receiving the action.

  • For example: I brush my teeth.
    • Who is doing the brushing?
    • Who is being brushed?

How do you conjugate a reflexive verb?

The first step is to cover the "se"—that is the part of the infinitive that lets you know the verb is reflexive. Then, conjugate the verb to match the person performing the action and to the appropriate tense (present, present progressive, future OR any other tense for that matter-a verb that is reflexive will be reflexive in ALL tenses). You conjugate it the same way as any other –AR, -ER, or –IR ending verb for that tense.

The second step is to add a reflexive pronoun to each CONJUGATION.




















Where do you place the reflexive pronoun in relation to the verb?

Although you can place the reflexive pronoun in 3 different places ( as shown below)

It is EASIER to place it before the conjugated verb or verbal phrase


    • Before a conjugated verb OR verbal phrase---Me cepillo los dientes.
    • OR --- cepillo los dientes.
    • After and attached to an infinitive---Tengo que cepillarme los dientes.
    • After and attached to a gerund--- Estoy cepillándome los dientes.
OR --- cepillo los dientes.

What do reflexive verbs look like?

You’ve already been doing this to the verb "llamarse". Check it out in the present tense:

I call myself

We call ourselves

You call yourself


He calls himself/

She calls herself

You (formal) call yourself

They call themselves Y’all call yourselves

Me llamo

Nos llamamos

Te llamas


Se llama

Se llaman


Read the following situations and decide if they would require a reflexive verb. Write yes if reflexive and no if it is not.

1. We wash the cars.



6. He gets dressed.



2. I cut my nails.



7. She is quieting herself.



3. Don’t wake me up!



8. You comb your sister’s hair.



4. They never go to bed early.



9. She will sit down quickly.



5. We will shave our legs.



10. Dad is taking a shower.




Conjugate the following verbs in present tense—make sure to conjugate them as either reflexive or non-reflexive according to the prompt.



















Translate the following sentences into Español.

1. We wash the car. _______________________________________________

2. We wash our hands. _______________________________________________

3. I put the book on the table. _______________________________________________

4. I put the shoes on my feet. _______________________________________________

5. They comb their hair. _______________________________________________

6. They comb the dog’s hair. ________________________________________________

7. I call myself Lyndsey. ________________________________________________

8. I call the store. ________________________________________________

Lecture Notes 2