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  • The present progressive is used to describe an action that is in the process of taking place.
      • The present progressive is formed by combining the verb "to be" with gerund form of another verb. A gerund is a verb with an "ing" ending.
        • I am singing.
      • Do you remember how to conjugate ESTAR?

        • Yo- estoy
      • Nosotros/Nosotras estamos
      • Tú- estás
          • X

              • Él/Ella/Ud. está
          • Ellos/Ellas/Uds. están
                • Endings
                    • For regular –ar verbs, add –ando to the stem of the verb.
                      • For regular –er and –ir verbs, add –iendo to the stem of the verb.
                          • Important Information
                              • Sometimes when forming the present participle it is necessary to change the spelling of a word so that it agrees with the way it is pronounced. Just remember: "3’s a crowd" – If you have 3 vowels in a row, change the middle vowel to a ‘y’:
                              • when forming the present participle it is necessary to change the spelling of a word so that it agrees with the way it is pronounced. Just remember: – If you have 3 vowels in a row, change the middle vowel to a ‘y’:


                        • Caer: cayendo
                      • Huir: huyendo
                      • Creer: creyendo
                      • Influir: influyendo
                      • Ir: yendo
                      • Oír: oyendo
                      • Traer: trayendo
                      • Leer: leyendo
                            • Stem-changing is different than what you learned before for the present tense in Spa. I
                              • NEVER stem-change for ‘-ar’ or ‘-er’ verbs: Estoy jugando.
                              • stem-change for or verbs: Estoy jugando.

                          TYPE 1 : E->I

                          Preferir e-i to prefer Mentir e-i to lie

                          Divertir e-i to enjoy Despedir e-i to say goodbye

                          Pedir e-i to ask for Vestir e-i to dress

                          Servir e-i to serve Medir e-i to measure

                          Decir e-i to say / tell Venir e-i to come

                          Sentir e-i to feel Seguir e-i to follow

                          TYPE 2: O->U

                          Dormir o-u to sleep

                          Morir o-u to die






                            • Pintar (tú)- Estás pintando
                              You are painting.



                              1. Cocinar (yo) - ______________________________
                              2. ______________________________



                            • Dormir (tú)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Llorar (él) - ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Beber (ella)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Cantar (yo)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Decir (Ud.)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Vivir (tú)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Llamar (Uds.)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Subir (yo)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Trabajar (nosotros)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Traer (papá)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Leer (cuñada)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Traducir (suegra)- ______________________________
                            • ______________________________



                            • Comer (sobrino)- ______________________________
                              1. ______________________________

                                  • The present progressive is used to describe an action that is in the process of taking place.
                                    • I am studying now
                                  • The present progressive is formed by combining the verb "to be" with gerund form of another verb. A gerund is a verb with an "-ing" ending.
                                    • I am singing.
                                  • Do you remember how to conjugate ESTAR?

                                    • Yo-
                                  • Nosotros/Nosotras
                                  • Tú-
                                      • X

                                          • Él/Ella/Ud.
                                      • Ellos/Ellas/Uds.
                                            • Endings
                                                • For regular –ar verbs, add –ando to the stem of the verb.
                                                      • For regular –er and -ir verbs, add –iendo to the stem of the verb.
                                                          • Important Information
                                                              • Sometimes when forming the present participle it is necessary to change the spelling of a word so that it agrees with the way it is pronounced. Just remember: "3’s a crowd" – If you have 3 vowels in a row, change the middle vowel to a ‘y’:
                                                              • when forming the present participle it is necessary to change the spelling of a word so that it agrees with the way it is pronounced. Just remember: – If you have 3 vowels in a row, change the middle vowel to a ‘y’:


                                                    • Caer: cayendo
                                                  • Huir: huyendo
                                                  • Creer: creyendo
                                                  • Influir: influyendo
                                                  • Ir: yendo
                                                  • Oír: oyendo
                                                  • Traer: trayendo
                                                  • Leer: leyendo
                                                        • Stem-changing is different than what you learned before for the present tense in Spa. I
                                                          • NEVER stem-change for ‘-ar’ or ‘-er’ verbs: Estoy jugando.
                                                      • Formation of present progressive:
                                                        • Regulars:
                                                          • Combine a form of "estar" with the verb using the correct ending.
                                                            • Hablar (yo)
                                                              • Yo estoy hablando
                                                            • Trabajar (tú)
                                                              • Tú estas trabajando.





                                                        • Pintar (tú)- Estas pintando
                                                          You are painting.



                                                          1. Cocinar (yo) - ______________________________
                                                          2. ______________________________



                                                        • Asustar (tú)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Sorprender (él) - ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Enfadar (ella)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Cantar (yo)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Sospechar (Ud.)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Animar (tú)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Deprimir (Uds.)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Enojar (yo)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Bañar (nosotros)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Traer (papá)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Poner (cuñada)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Traducir (suegra)- ______________________________
                                                        • ______________________________



                                                        • Comer (sobrino)- ______________________________
                                                          1. ______________________________

                                                      Lecture Notes