Basic Writing Syllabus
Instructor: Ms. Kaiser
Email: (best way to contact me)
Office Hours: 7:15 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. in R-3
Preps: 1st and 8th
First block on Blue days and last block on Silver days
Course Syllabus
Basic Writing
Rocklin High School 2015-16
Course Description:
This course has been designed to give you the fundamental knowledge you will need to be successful in high school-level English classes, and to pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). We will work to improve your reading, writing fluency, and basic grammatical skills while also focusing on grade level curriculum. During the course of the upcoming year, we will focus on mastering the California Content Standards for English Language Arts. This means that you will be expected to read high school-level literature, and write high school-level essays.
Essential Concepts:
1. Students will write 5 paragraph essays in MLA Format that adhere to CAHSEE and CA Common Core Standards
2. Students will read and analyze high school-level literature selections.
3. Students will improve high school-level vocabulary knowledge.
4. Students will improve reading fluency and comprehension with repeated readings.
Essential Skills (class assignments and projects) 60%
Class Participation/Attendance 30%
Homework 10%
Class and Homework: Classwork is assigned every day, if you do not complete it in class it becomes homework. If you do not turn in your work the day it is due or during the class period, you may turn it in the next day for half credit. I will not accept work that is more than one day late. If you miss a day of school, it is your responsibility to look on the posted classwork and homework calendar to find what you missed. Homework following an absence must be made up within one week of the day you missed. If a large project is due and you are absent, you must turn in the project the day you return.
Text: All required texts will be provided in class, we will be reading short stories, novels and working out of the Basic English Composition book.
Supplies: Notebook paper, folder, writing utensils, highlighter, planner
Attendance and Behavior: If you do not come to school, you cannot learn. If you do not learn, you cannot pass this class. If you do not pass this class, you will not graduate. It is that simple. Come to school, complete your work, and be respectful while you are here. It is in your best interest. Be on time and be ready to learn. If you are not here, you cannot earn daily points.
Communication: The best way to contact me is through email. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding your student’s grades or school work.