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Basic Social Studies Syllabus

Basic Social Studies Syllabus

Mr. Knight                                                                                                                                                

Welcome to the 2015/2016 school year.  It will be a pleasure working with your student this year.  It is important that we maintain consistent contact between the home and school, so please don’t hesitate to email or call if you have any questions or concerns. Schoology is a great tool to follow what is going on in our class.

This year we will be studying World History and following the theme of The Road to Democracy. We begin with the Age of Kings and continue to the present day. Our textbook for the class is World History by Wayne King and Marcel Lewinski published by AGS, Inc (2001). In addition, we will also be using news articles to look at current events as they apply to our course of study.


***The student’s grade will be derived from an average of all work completed during each unit of study and based on the following breakdown:

90-100%          A

80-89               B

70-79               C

69 or below     NO CREDIT / course must be retaken


Assignments will be weighted by the following criteria:

Essential Skills (test, projects)            25%

Homework / Classwork                                   50%

Quizzes / Warmups                                         25%



Unit 1:  The Age of Kings

Unit 2: Age of Reason and the Enlightenment

Unit 3:  Industrial Revolution

Unit 4:  French Revolution

Unit 5:  Nationalism and Imperialism

Unit 6:  World War I

Unit 7:  Totalitarianism (Russian Revolution, Dictators in Italy and Germany)

Unit 8: World War II

Unit 9: Cold War and Current Issues



Each student is required to bring to class each day the following materials:

  • ●A binder for this class
  • ●#2 pencils
  • ●Standard blue/black pens (other colors or gel pens will not be accepted for work turned in for grading)
  • ●Highlighter pens
  • ●Colored Pencils
  • ●Index Cards (3” x 5”)
  • ●RHS student planner
  • ●Homework (as assigned)
