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Course Syllabus 2013-2014


Study Skills Room R5


Resource Specialists:


Cristi Tanner

(10th & 11th  grades) Prep: Periods 1 & 2

Preferred way of communication is through e-mail

e-mail: or cell # (916) 276-3448



Office Hours: After school by appointment


The focus of Study Skills is to make students independent learners.




  1. Course Description:

    The Study Skills course teaches study skills, organization, and assists with special education students to maintain daily assignments, CAHSEE (10th grade) and transition postsecondary education (10th grade) preparation, as well as to achieve IEP goals.




  3. Course Outcomes:


    • Students will demonstrate study skills by maintaining a complete student planner


    • Students will demonstrate time on task


    • Students will maintain respectful behaviors at all times during study skills




      1. Grading Policy:


        • The student planner will be checked daily for 40% of the grade


        • Participation/ behavior is 20% of the grade and will be given according to how well a student’s time is utilized


        • 20% for Study Skills assigned in-class work


        • 20% for homework completion






      IV. Materials


        • Students should come every day with their planner, binder, pens, pencils, paper and all regular classroom assignments for both Blue and Silver Days.




      1. Classroom Expectations


          • Daily use of planner


          • Be on time to class


          • Be prepared with materials for all classes daily


          • Positive attitude


          • Engaged in on-task behavior


          • Be respectful of adults and peers


          • Self advocate/Communicate needs









      • Please sign and tear off the portion below. Student should return the lower portion to Study Skills teacher for 10 Points toward grade.




      - -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------

      Due Date Tuesday 8-23 Blue and Wed. 8-24 Silver



      Student Name: ___________________________

      : ___________________________



      My parents/guardians and I have read the course syllabus and understand what is expected in the course, Study Skills.



      Parent Signature and date




      Student Signature and date Study Skills Period



      Parent cell phone # _______________________________________________



      Parent e-mail address______________________________________________


      Tanner's Syllabus