PE Clothes
Each student will be expected to participate in the physical education program wearing a complete set of “marked” regulation gym clothes.
ROYAL blue gym shorts can be purchased through RHS ($15.00) or students can provide their own as long as they are PLAIN ROYAL blue
-SHORT SHORTS (i.e. "soffe" are not appropriate for P.E.)
GRAY T-shirts can be purchased through RHS ($15.00) or students can provide their own as long as they are PLAIN (no logos etc..) GRAY shirts issued by RHS teams/clubs are acceptable.
Cross Training//Running type shoes appropriate for physical activity. Shoes should have laces that can be tied.
*Athletic "SPIRIT PACKS" may be worn IF they comply with the above requirements (gray shirt, blue shorts)
COOLER WEATHER brings questions about sweatshirts and leggings/sweatpants. Both are okay to wear in class as long as they are BLUE or GRAY and PE shirt is worn underneath.
Some classes may require a uniform unique to their class activity. Ex..Freshmen Swimming Unit=Swim suit (does not need to be blue), swim caps and goggles are recommended but not required.
This should be done within the first week of class. Lost uniforms cannot be reclaimed unless a name is clearly marked on the uniform.
Students are responsible for having the appropriate P.E. Uniform for class each day.
PE LOCKS - Each student will be given a Master Lock at the start of the year to ensure they can keep their stuff safe while in class. A lost lock will cost $10 to replace
RHS PE Gradiing Information
Student Grades are available through Schoology and are updated regularly. If you have a question, please contact your teacher
A = 100-90%
B = 89-80%
C = 79-70%
NC = <70%
Physical Education requires regular attendance and participation. Excessive absences, lack of participation, and Medical excuses will directly affect your daily participation points. If a student is unable to participate (absent. injured, not dressed appropriately​ etc...) they will not earn daily participation points.
All PE Classes are graded:
- The grade includes active participation in daily activities, dressing out, fitness testing, and assessments (cardiovascular, written, and skills assessment). Students may earn up to 10 participation points a day.
Students must earn a 70% or above to earn credit for the semeste
Reasons Students may not earn full daily participation points.
Reasons Students may not earn full daily participation points.
If your student is not dressed in appropriate Physical Education clothes (Non-Suit) they may not be able to earn the maximum daily participation points. Clothes worn to school cannot be used for P.E. and will result in a non-suit. (This includes “game day” or "warm up" attire for athletes)
Not wearing the complete Physical Education uniform (Incomplete Uniform) may affect your students daily participation points. Example: black shorts or a green shirt.
Not participating to the expected level for each activity during class will affect daily participation points.
Not participating for the entire class period will affect the students daily grade.
Tardies will affect the students ability to earn full participation points.
Each absence will affect daily participation points.
Illness/Injury that prevents participation in class activities
Misconduct (M)- any unacceptable behavior as defined by RHS code of conduct will result in the iloss of participation points for the day.
The main reason students fail to earn credit in Physical Education is due to absences from class, failing to dress for the activity, and lack of participation.
How students can MAKE-UP participation points:
Flex Period Make-ups
(See Flex Period PE page)
Students are encouraged to make up any participation points missed due to absence/illness/injury etc