All Freshmen are required to take and successfully complete PE 1 at RHS. This course has a strong focus on improving personal fitness as well as exposing students to mulitple genres of physical activity that we hope will help promote a lifetime appreciation and recognition of the importance of physical fitness. We are following the 8 California State Frameworks for Physical Education.
Units include: (use links to the left for more information)
- Volleyball
- Swimming
- Fitness Lab
- Dance/Tumbling
- Pickle Ball
- Self Defense
For PE 1 classes:
Participation is includes daily participation, dressing out, fitness testing, cardio assessments, written assessments, and skills assessment.
ALL PE 1 students must also complete statewide fitness testing (PFT).
For more information regarding PFT visit the CDE website
Please refer to the General Information page for more info regarding Grading Policies and PE Uniforms.