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Across the nation we hear our politicians and leaders talking about college and career readiness.  Our program challenges YOU to think about it as career readiness only.  Regardless of college (which I, personally, believe everyone should attend), the true end game in education is the attainment of a well paying job and the beginning of a self-satisfying life-long career.  Career aspirations come in different ways.  As educators, parents and community members, we should be encouraging our next generation to develop both long-term and short-term plans to get to that career.  By developing this individualized road map to self-defined success, we are helping our economy while providing support to develop the habits of perseverance and life-long learning.

Below you will find several links to a variety of resources about college and careers.  Also note that we provide opportunities for articulation credit (college credit) to our ESTIV and ROP Manufacturing students.  We also provide opportunities for a variety of industry recognized certifications in engineering design, CNC programming and manufacturing processes.  RHS Engineering continuously works to try and find internship opportunities for all students (16 & over).

Lastly, the links provided in the navigation bar take you to a variety of external resources to help students assess what careers may be right for them.  Please feel free to contact Mr. Frank with any questions regarding Engineering and Manufacturing.

