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Welcome to Rocklin High School Dance!  Be sure to follow our social media and click the link in bio for all updates, auditions, and upcoming performances @rocklindance 
Enjoy a Dance 1 Showcase video snippet here:
Students may choose to receive VAPA,  P.E. or CTE CREDIT. The courses seek to provide students a comprehensive dance education encompassing the technical, theatrical, creative & fitness components of dance. Dance 1 (beginning dance) through Dance 4 (advanced dance) are offered and each course includes daily technique practice, choreography & artistry and culminates with a professional level production for the school and community to enjoy.
Rocklin Dance Teacher Mrs. Sarah Blankenship has a wide range of dance teaching and performance experiences: 
Rocklin Dance presents multiple opportunities for the students to perform each year:
-Visual and Performing Arts Creepy Concert (October)
-Visual and Performing Arts Assembly (February)
-Dance 4 Project (December)
-Dance 1 Showcase (March)
-Advanced Dance Show (May)
Course Offerings

Course Offerings

Be sure to visit the Rocklin High School Course Catalog for detailed course descriptions.  You can also access information (including advanced dance class audition info) here:
Dance One - Beginning technique dance course, three sections
Dance Two - Intermediate technique dance course
Dance Three - Advanced Intermediate technique dance course
Dance Four - Advanced technique course
Dance Class Policies

Dance Class Policies

*Rocklin Dance is part of the Visual and Performing Arts Department, though students can opt to choose P.E. credit in lieu of VAPA credit.  Students make these decisions with their assigned counselor.

*Students have an unlimited amount of extra credit opportunities by attending  teacher-approved dance shows and following the RHS Dance Critique Guidelines.  Each written critique can earn up to 25 points!

*All students must have jazz shoes by October 1st of each school year  in order to receive their participation points.  All students will be wearing TAN jazz shoes in their dance show.

*Late work is always accepted; students can receive up to 70% credit.

*If a student has a parent or doctor’s note requesting that they do not participate in a class period, they are still required to fully dress down (just as they would with any P.E. course) and will need to complete a make-up assignment in order to receive participation points for the day.   Post-dated parent notes are not accepted.

*If a student can not participate in dance for more than 6 weeks per a doctor’s note, they will not receive credit for the semester.

*You can only receive participation points if you come to class (on time, following the participation point guidelines above) - come to class!!

Dance Class Auditions for the following school year are always  in the Spring, we announce the dates around January!  If you are interested in Dance 1 and do not have dance experience then you just sign up for the class.  If you have dance experience then you will get to audition for an upper level class.