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1450-1750 Unit Study Guide "What I Need To Know"

Key Concept 4.1: Globalizing Networks of Communication and Exchange 
I. How did the creation of a global trade network after 1500 CE affect pre-existing 
regional trade networks? (i.e. Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, trans-Saharan, Silk 
II. What technological developments made transoceanic European travel and trade 
III. What were the major notable transoceanic voyages f 1450-1750? 
A. Chinese voyages of Zheng He 
B. Portuguese school of navigation (Prince Henry the Navigator) and Vasco da 
C. Impact of Christopher Columbus’ travels 
D. French and British exploration of North America 
E. Pacific explorations of James Cook 
IV. What new financial and monetary systems made the larger scale of trade possible? 
A. What role did European merchants play in the new trade routes? Consider 
the role of joint-stock companies, etc. 
B. What role did silver play in facilitating new global trade routes? 
C. How did mercantilism and joint-stock companies help European rulers control 
their domestic and colonial economies? 
D. What were the economic and social effects of the Atlantic system (a.k.a. 
triangle trade) 
V. What were the effects of the Columbian Exchange (Great Exchange)? 
A. What was the effect of the spread of disease in the Eastern Hemisphere 
(a.k.a. the New World) 
B. What was the impact the introduction of new food products (such as potatoes, 
corn, tomatoes, etc.) and cash crops (cacao, tobacco, etc.) in various parts of 
Europe, Asia, and Africa? 
C. What was the impact of food and animals brought to the New World by 
Europeans (horses, pigs, cattle, etc. )and African slaves  
D. How did European economic practices (mining, plantations, etc) impact the 
environment of the Americas? 
VI. How did the new global trade network affect the spread of religions? 
A. Where did Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam spread from the 1450-1750? 
B. How did the spread of world religions create new syncretic religions 
(Protestantism, Voodoo, Sikhism, etc.) 
VII. How did the arts benefit from the wealth created by the new global trade 
 Key Concept 4.2: New Form of Social Organization and Mass Production 
I. How did labor systems develop between 1450-1750? 
A. How did peasant production intensify in the following regions? Russian 
Siberia, cotton textiles in India, and silk in China 
B. How did slavery from 1450-1750 compare to earlier forms of slavery? 
C. How did the Atlantic slave trade affect African society? 
D. How did the following labor systems develop in colonial Americas? 
encomienda, mita, indentured servitude, etc. 
E. How did serfdom change in Europe and Russia? 
II. How did the post-1450 economy affect the social, economic, and political elites? 
A. How did imperial conquests contribute to the rise of new social elites? 
Consider the Manchu in China, Creoles in the Americas, and bourgeoisie in 
B. How did existing social elites (nobility in Europe and daimyo in Japan) 
respond to these new social changes? 
C. How did gender and family structure change in this period? Consider changes 
in Western Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia. 
D. How did massive demographic changes affect ethnic and racial 
classifications? Consider New Spain and British North America. 
Key Concept 4.3: State Consolidation and Imperial Expansion 
I. What methods did political rulers legitimize and consolidate their rule? 
A. How did rulers use displays of political power (palaces, urban planning, etc.) to 
legitimize there rule? 
B. What role did religion play in legitimizing imperial rule? Consider divine right of 
kings in Europe, Confucianism in China, etc. 
C. How were ethnic and religious minorities treated in various empires? Consider 
Ottoman treatment of non-Muslims, Spanish treatment of natives, etc. 
D. How did rulers use the military and bureaucracies to make sure their 
governments ran well? Consider Ottoman devshirme, Chinese examination 
system, salaried samurai, etc. 
E. How did rulers finance their imperial expansion? Consider taxes, tribute, etc. 
II. What was the relationship between imperialism and military technology (gunpowder)? 
A. How did European establishment of trading posts in Asia and Africa affect politics in 
these regions? 
B. How did pre-existing land empires and new land empires in Asia compare to 
previous land empires? Consider Russia, China, India, and the Ottomans. Also 
consider the establishment of maritime empires by Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, 
France, and Britain.
