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If a student receives a score of lower than 70% then this will show up as an INCOMPLETE in the grade book and be the equivalent of a zero. In order to raise that grade they must complete the Test Correction Form.


Directions: Write down all the correct letter answers from the test, i.e. #3 B, #8 C, etc. on the Test Correction Form. You will need to write down ALL of the questions you got wrong but only need to complete the form to reach 56 correct out of 70, or 80% of the total test.


If you score was between 60-69% you will receive a 70% adjusted score.
If you score was lower than 60%, your adjusted score will be 60%


Students must complete these correctives during the school day and MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN ONE WEEK OF THE TEST. If this is not done on time, then the


Form must still be completed but the score of 70% will not be granted and the student will receive their original score.


Below is an example of how a question should be corrected:

Test Correctives Policy