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All daily assignments, vocab, lecture notes, and practice tests can be found on the Schoology calendar.  Grades will still be done on Schoology


Mrs. Ramos 
Course Description:

Course Description:

Course Description: Spanish Two Advanced is an advanced yearlong course designed for ninth and/or tenth graders in order to expand upon all four realms of foreign language: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students will strengthen grammar and vocabulary with depth and complexity at an accelerated pace. Students will also be engaged in activities that advance speaking, listening, and writing skills. Students are expected to participate and learn the language by speaking it in class as much as possible. Spanish II Advanced is a rigorous college preparatory class designed for college and university bound students. Please do not consider it an ‘elective’ for which you don’t need to study or work. You will need to continually study and practice outside of the classroom to be successful. Class time will be spent with a wealth of opportunities to practice Spanish. Come prepared and ready to engage!




For all vocabulary lists, lecture notes, practice activities, and dates please go to the Schoology site. Grades will still be done on Edline

For all vocabulary lists, lecture notes, practice activities, and dates please go to the Schoology site. Grades will still be done on Edline