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Rocklin high school Choir and Piano lab latest news
Rocklin high school Choir and Piano lab latest news
Latest RHS Choir News
Latest RHS Choir News
Auditions for 2025/26 ARE NOW AVAILABLE
DATES: April 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and April 22, 23, 24 Times vary each day. Use the Sign Up Genius link to get your spot!
Sign Up Here Rocklin High School Choir Auditions for 25/26 School Year
Audition IN-PERSON. It is not difficult. We try to make is simple and fun. Auditions are one-on-one with Mr. Spiess and take about 10 minutes.
- Sing any song of your choice with an Karoke style instrumental track from your phone.
- Song should be 1 verse and 1 chorsus.
- A short range check will occur to determine voice type and placement.
THAT'S IT! You do not need to read music, play an instrument, have experience with signing or be in choir before. It's open to everyone!
RHS Choirs 2025/26 - Auditioned vs Non-Auditioned
1. Concert Choir(s): Non-Auditioned
Open to female-Soprano/Alto singers of any grade level. Just sign up and you are in. If you did not sign up and you want to be in the class it is still possible.
Simple fill out this choir information form and we will place you in Concert Choir
2. Men's Chorus: Non-Auditioned Open to any male- Tenor, Baritone, Bass singer of any grade level. Just sign up and you are in!
If you did not sign up and you want to be in the class it is still possible. Simple fill out this choir information form and we will place you in Men's Chorus
3. Advanced Women's Ensemble (AWE): Auditioned Choir
Open to any female-Soprano/alto singer desiring to perform high quality and challenging work in a fun,
fast paced learning environment. This ensemble is open to any female/treble singer of any
grade level attending RHS. Singers must complete an audition with Mr. Spiess.
4. Chamber Choir: Auditioned Choir
Chamber Choir is open to any male or female singer enrolled at RHS.
All singers must complete an audition with Mr. Spiess.
Transfer and Out of District Students please sign up for an online audition time.
email Mr. Spiess
RHS Choir Calendar--Click Here
Rocklin Choir Information-Watch this video!!!!
Rocklin Choir Information-Watch this video!!!!
RHS Choir Google Calendar